Smoky Mountain Blog

A Smoky Mountain journal discussing nature, current news, special events, the best of things and the worst of things.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Now That’s Hot!

No one will argue about the summer of ’05 being hotter than normal, but some will argue about whether they have the hottest job in the world.

Roofers and street pavers surely rank up at the top of the all time hottest jobs this year and two others swell those ranks as well……..being the engineer/fireman and his assistant on Dollywood’s Express train.

It get up to 2,800 degrees inside the boiler of the coal-fired Express, but that doesn’t stop Scott Ogle or Dirk Chandler as they shovel mounds of coal in the furnace during a regular 30 minute outing. Beads of sweat run down their smiling faces as Ogle and Chandler wave to the Dollywood visitors and blow the train’s whistle in passing.

Ogle has worked on the train for the past 17 years, working some 13 hour days. Chandler now 24, was just an 11 year old boy the first time he stood behind the gate and stared at the train. It was also the first time he met Scott Ogle and they have now worked happily together for years, in a labor of love for the Express.


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